Quantum Computing Workshop

Santiago de Compostela Rúa de José María Suárez Núñez, s/n, Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña, Spain

The workshop consists of 3 Friday afternoon sessions on February 28, February 7 and March 14, 2025 from 15-19 hrs, and a full day Hackathon on Firday March 21, 2025. Quantum Computing will allow, when sufficiently mature, to tackle problems whose complexity scales exponentially and are, therefore, beyond the reach of classical computing resources. The […]

Spring School on Open-Source Tools for Quantum Science & Technology

ICFO Mediterranean Technology Park, Avinguda Carl Friedrich Gauss, 3,, Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain

The school is aimed at Master´s students who are interested in familiarizing themselves with the use of these tools. Advanced undergraduates, starting PhD students, and researchers in the field may also be interested to attend. Topics this year will include: Quantum photonic integrated circuits Quantum simulators with ultracold atoms Quantum computing Tensor networks Simulation tools […]


Speaker: Richard R. Allen | PhD student at MIT Title: Quantum Computing Enhanced Sensing Abstract: Quantum computing and quantum sensing represent two distinct frontiers of quantum information science. In this work, we harness quantum computing to solve a fundamental and practically important sensing problem: the detection of weak oscillating fields with unknown strength and frequency. […]

360 Quantum CARLA Career Symposium

La Pedrera Paseo de Gracia, 92, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

More information will be announced shortly, with registrations due to open in January (exact date TBC).

Spring School on Superconducting Qubit Technology

Quantum computing based on superconducting qubit technology is currently one of the leading platforms in the race towards quantum utility. It is a highly multidisciplinary field and requires expertise in subjects like microwave engineering, circuit design, nanofabrication, measurement technology, quantum optics and metrology, as well as cryogenics. Celebrating already its 2nd edition, this school aims […]

Curso de Computación Cuántica 6.0

La computación cuántica es un nuevo paradigma de programación, distinto a la programación convencional, que se fundamenta en los principios de la mecánica cuántica. Con la llegada de los computadores cuánticos, ahora en sus primeras versiones, la capacidad de cálculo disponible experimentará un notable incremento. Esto ha despertado un gran interés en diversos sectores, tanto […]
